Monday, 6 September 2010

Softly, Softly Catchee Monkey... Hang on!

Check out Daily Perfect, it's how I stumbled on the Social Network trailer (see below). All you have to do is type in your name and it's able to predict a user's interests through publicly available information on the web. It's not 100% (perfect might be an overstatement, it seems to think I'm interested in Australian fashion), but it is creepily close on a few things.

82840007, Martin Harvey /Digital VisionHere's an interesting fact... The height you are at two years old (I was 84cm according to a chart my parents kept), is exactly half the height you'll be when a fully grown adult (I'm now 168cm).

On a totally different subject: In Africa, snare traps are a significant threat to many animals. However, it was recently discovered that chimpanzees in Guinea have learnt how to recognise snare traps laid by human hunters. In fact, not only do they recognise the traps, but they actively seek them out and intentionally deactivate them without being harmed. This means that chimps can learn by careful observation as well as trial and error (unlike previously thought). Once again chimps prove that they are much more intelligent than we give them credit for. For more info, here's the full story.

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