Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Back On Air!

So, the keen-eyed amongst you will have noticed a brief shift in my blog from 'Oooh, look at what I'm doing!' to 'Oooh, look at what someone else is doing!'.

Today, the post will be an update on the various goings on in my life.

I had my induction at the University of Glamorgan! All very exciting & I met the awesome people that are also on my course. My first lecture is actually later today, in Online Journalism Production.

I've also been given a regular presenting slot on Able Radio! Hear me on Friday's Late Breakfast, from 10-12 every Friday morning. The first show was pretty rocky since I'd never done a solo show before & I was getting used to being back in front of the mic, but it was so good to drive a desk again. I covered another presenter's slot yesterday from 1-3pm and that was markedly better. Also, I hope to get involved with Gtfm and Tequila radio... I'll let you know when those shows come up.

Finally... I'm hoping to introduce vlogging to my repertoire. Hopefully, as a monthly instalment. So for the time being we'll leave that as a COMING SOON! cliff-hanger.

P.S. This made me chuckle.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Clear As Muck

Are you a budding musician with more work than you can handle? Struggling to juggle being a writer and performer as well as your own agent and promoter?

Or... Are you a professional musician looking for extra cash. Someone who has had the experience of the hard slog of booking a tour or promoting an album.

Derek Sivers (founder of the fantastic new music site CDBaby) has created a solution to help both parties. MuckWork connects virtual assistants to aspiring musicians to do their 'uncreative dirty work'. 

This is an amazing concept and I believe it benefits everyone involved. The site is still in it's beta-testing stages, but if the success of CDBaby is anything to go by (it became the largest seller of independent music on the web, with sales of $100M) I'm guessing Derek knows what he's talking about.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

To believe or not to believe

I'm a scientist, therefore I believe in facts. That seems a very absurd statement, to believe in facts. A fact is just that, you shouldn't have to believe in it. It would be crazy to not believe something that has been proven through rigorous trials and testing. However, it saddens me that many people choose not to believe in science.

I think this is largely due to a lack of understanding by the general public, but this isn't entirely their fault. I blame the mainstream media for portraying scientific stories in a misleading light. 

Genetic modification (GM)
The Large Hadron Collider

That list is just a small fraction of subjects which induce fear into some people. That is because the media doesn't provide the full picture of these subjects. Instead it covers them at an angle which provides the biggest, most shocking, story; leaving the public confused and misinformed. They don't lie; they just don't tell all the facts (just as bad in my eyes). These are beneficial scientific advancements and we need to embrace them!

Science is about being skeptical. An idea is formed and you develop a solution. Then you spend decades constantly testing it and improving it. You don't prove something right, you prove it wrong. When you can't prove it wrong any more, it is accepted beyond all reasonable doubt. Then you create a better solution and the whole process starts again.

I am a skeptic. That doesn't mean that I believe facts. It means I don't believe anything that isn't a fact.

The picture above is provided courtesy of Crispian Jago and his wonderful blog - Science, Reason and Critical Thinking. Please check it out for a satirical, tongue-in-cheek look at science and skeptisicm.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Daniel Marlowe Interview

Ross Exton talks to Big Brother executive producer, Daniel Marlowe
A while ago I posted that I'd interviewed Daniel Marlowe, the executive producer of Big Brother. 

The interview has now been edited and is on Able On Demand, along with a selection of pictures from the day (the transcription will be available to read tomorrow).

Please give it a listen, you can find it by clicking on this link:

Monday, 6 September 2010

Softly, Softly Catchee Monkey... Hang on!

Check out Daily Perfect, it's how I stumbled on the Social Network trailer (see below). All you have to do is type in your name and it's able to predict a user's interests through publicly available information on the web. It's not 100% (perfect might be an overstatement, it seems to think I'm interested in Australian fashion), but it is creepily close on a few things.

82840007, Martin Harvey /Digital VisionHere's an interesting fact... The height you are at two years old (I was 84cm according to a chart my parents kept), is exactly half the height you'll be when a fully grown adult (I'm now 168cm).

On a totally different subject: In Africa, snare traps are a significant threat to many animals. However, it was recently discovered that chimpanzees in Guinea have learnt how to recognise snare traps laid by human hunters. In fact, not only do they recognise the traps, but they actively seek them out and intentionally deactivate them without being harmed. This means that chimps can learn by careful observation as well as trial and error (unlike previously thought). Once again chimps prove that they are much more intelligent than we give them credit for. For more info, here's the full story.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Social Network

Holy bloody hell!

I heard a rumour a little while ago about this film & thought it was a joke. It sounded like Hollywood jumping on the Facebook bandwagon. But this trailer looks awesome!

Definitely going to see this. I can't wait!

Monday, 30 August 2010

I used to write letters, I used to sign my name...

The Wilderness Downtown is a collaboration between Arcade Fire and Google via Chrome Experiments. Arcade Fire's latest single "We Used To Wait" is a charming tale of a boy (I believe their lead singer) spending his summers waiting for letters from his pen-pal. I love this band and all three of their albums so far are incredible.

For this song they decided to create and interactive, data-driven Chrome Experiment (you'll need a Chrome browser to run it), using HTML5 video, audio and canvas. It utilises a series of choreographed windows, an integrated drawing tool, Google Maps and Street View. Go there and put in your address, you'll be glad you did.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

An Introduction To Infinity

Look! The blog has had a makeover! Hope you like it.

I'm going to talk about the concept of infinity, something I find mind-boggling but fascinating. If the universe is infinite, there are infinite possibilities. There is another version of you reading this blog right now, doing exactly the same thing. One of you is the king of the World and one of you is a tramp.

Imagine a universe where there are only 2 possible kinds of atom, green and red. These atoms can only bind together in a particular way to form molecules consisting of 4 atoms. Therefore, our model only contains a certain number of possible combinations.

If we take our model and add just one more molecule, we get a duplicate of one that already exists in a finite universe. This is true which ever way the atoms are arranged.

In an infinite universe there is an infinite number of atoms. Thus, an infinite number of molecules and combinations and therefore an infinite number of duplicates.

Expand our simple model to contain all the atoms, all the laws of physics and all the possible combinations in our universe. Now we can begin to visualise an infinite universe... the possibilities are endless.

However, our universe probably isn't infinite and it only contains a limited amount of mass. But, it is destined to continue to expand indefinitely, eventually becoming a cold, dead wasteland.

But... This begs the question:

If our universe isn't infinite, does it have an edge? And if so, what's beyond it?

Thursday, 19 August 2010

This kid means business

57520628, George Marks /Retrofile RFThe headache continues... looking forward to some rest this weekend.

Today's post is brief, but no less amusing. As I was channel-hopping earlier I caught an amazing quote from a kid being interviewed for a TV programme. I have no idea what the programme was called, but I'm pretty sure this line will stay with me forever...

"People have got to take us seriously! We're not seven... We're ten!"


Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Not-so-Miami Vice

Apologies for not posting something yesterday... My sister got back from a 3-week trip to Kenya, with an amazing charity Moving Mountains, so I was busy catching up with her.

Tonight... Well I'm suffering with a splitting headache. I even turned down the chance to go to the cinema with some mates and watch The Expendables. Normally two hours or so of constant explosions and gun-slinging is right up my street, but I couldn't face it.

I didn't want to go another day without posting, but my creativity has been sapped by what feels like a vice around my head. Now off to bed to carry on reading 'What Would Google Do?' by Jeff Jarvis - something of a media/news guru. His blog BuzzMachine is worth following.

Monday, 16 August 2010

This is my blog... but YOU are the reader.

I can write about whatever the hell I like, but that doesn't mean you're interested. Most of you probably don't give a damn. I've set my theme (vague though it may be) but I don't know if I'm hitting the mark.

82557725, Thinkstock Images /Comstock Images
You are the consumer, so shouldn't you be able to decide what you read?

I'll continue to write about whatever randomly flies through my brain. But if you agree, disagree, hate it, love it, think you know better, learn something, have any opinion what-so-ever... then let me know!

Want to hear my views on a subject? Want to know what I think? Want my opinion on band/song/scientific research/type of bread? Anything! Ask and you shall receive. Email and I shall reply.

I may be the author, but you are the reader, and that is infinitely more important. The doors of this blog are open and I'm inviting you in.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

A Brief Apology

I'm going back to junior school to learn English. My last few posts have been terrible, even when apologising. I dare not write more through fear of the universe imploding from my terrible grammar.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Funny Buisness

Apologies for the appalling English in yesterday's post. I was rushing whilst between painting a ceiling and de-constructing a wardrobe.

Check out The Fun Theory. It's a website dedicated to making boring things more fun, changing people's ideas and behaviours for the better.

Here's one of my favourites, the Bottle Bank Arcade Machine...

Friday, 13 August 2010

If Carlsberg did archaeology digs...

I'm currently living in a village, just outside the city of Newport in South Wales, called Caerleon. It's one of the nicer (real word? ah well, you know what I mean) areas of Newport. Not much goes on here. However, there's a lot of boring history.

There's lots of Roman stuff here, it was the site of one of Britain's three permanent Roman Legionary Fortresses. There's a pretty groovy Roman amphitheatre and there's always some archaeology going on. Anyway, enough of the boring background stuff, I'll cut to the chase...

What follows is a genuine photo from the Caerleon website about the most recent dig and their 'findings'...

I'm not making this up. They claim that this box contains some of their 'findings'!

A can of Carlsberg.
A old golf ball.
A clothes label.
A rusty screw.

You can find all these things in my bin! I mean, what the hell!?

I can imagine someone scrabbling through the mud with a tooth-comb, uncovering a shiny piece of metal, grabbing hold of it and thrusting it in the air, exclaiming to their fellow diggers...
"Look what I FOUND!"
Only to then realise it's an old beer can.
"Well... It still counts!"
Then chucking it in the box with the golf ball.

Giggles galore.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Big Brother

I know there wasn't a post yesterday, but I have a perfectly good excuse. I had taken a trip to Elstree Studios and the set of Big Brother. I was interviewing Daniel Marlowe, the executive producer of Big Brother. He was a very nice chap, and kind enough to take some time to talk to us and show us around the control room & set of sister-show Big Brother's Little Brother.

Daniel also arranged for us to have a tour through the 'camera-runs' (the very dark corridors behind the two-way mirrors throughout the house). It was an incredibly surreal experience to be able to look in and see all these people within reach and not have them see you. One contestant was running back and forth in the garden, heading towards one of the mirrors. He looked at us dead in the eye, but was oblivious to our presence. Very, very weird.

I resisted the childish urge to burst through the one of the doors that lead directly into the house.

I've never been a huge fan of Big Brother. I've watched the occasional bits of the odd series, but have been turned off by the nature of the majority of the contestants (bitchiness doesn't sit well with me). However, you can't help but admire the huge operation that goes into such a show and it was a rare treat to see everything yesterday.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

This is not the farm shop

I was about to post something yesterday, but since I was still knackered from Saturday night's antics I was being incredibly pompous and cynical. So deleted the whole thing and got some rest. Today's post is going to be much more light-hearted.

100956170, a.t. I images /FlickrEvery day, on my way to work, I drive past a farm. They have the most amazing sign outside. In painted letters 3-foot high it exclaims:


It makes me giggle every time I see it. Since I think such a statement applies to anything which isn't actually a farm shop.

The icing on the cake is that the field this sign is outside contains most random combination of things ever...

A tractor.
An old cannon.
Five Llamas.

I kid you not. It's clearly the best farm ever!

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Something for a sore head

Today's post is going to be minimal since I'm incredibly hungover. Check out Questionable Content, it's a kooky indie comic that brings a smile to my face. It's also pretty cool to see how J. Jacques's drawing style has evolved over time.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

David Bower

Firstly, I apologise for not posting something yesterday. To be honest, I was at a film set all day - interviewing, reporting and the like - and by the time I got back, I just crashed. If I had managed to post something, it probably would have been even more nonsensical than normal.

David Bower
So yesterday I interviewed David Bower. David is a deaf actor whose most famous role is that of Hugh Grant's brother in Four Weddings and a Funeral. David was an incredibly charismatic, down-to-earth man and was kind enough to spend almost an hour being interviewed by us when we were told by the producers we'd only be allowed 10-15 minutes.

He then invited us to follow them around on location; a particular highlight being the sign-language fingerspelling race between David and my colleague. The crew were a great laugh and very kind to put up with us running around them with various recording equipment. 

Once the feature has been edited I'll post a link. The interview will be worth watching since David provided us with some fascinating insights into media and the deaf culture.

Also, my reporting blooper reel is bound to contain a few moments of hilarity.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Fairytale Inflation

Here's a novel way to measure inflation over the past 40 years: Fairytales.

When I was young (and slightly more naive) I believed in the Tooth Fairy. I used to receive 50 pence for each tooth hidden under my pillow. This seemed to be the going rate at the time.

Today my mother was telling me about my 7-year-old cousin, who had been showing off a tidy profit in exchange for an old tooth. Two whole pounds!

My mum & dad then told me that, 40 years ago, they only used to get something called a 'Thruppennybit'. And since they don't appear to be showing any signs of dementia, I believe this actually used to be genuine, bonafide money.

So, the next time you find yourself complaining about the economy, spare a thought for the fairies.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

New Name & The News

I've been trying to come up with a new name for the blog since I've fallen out of love with 'Dead Air' (A radio term for when only silence is being broadcast, an ultimate faux pas when your means of communication is purely audio). Racking my brains to come up with something witty but relevant... So don't be surprised if things change over the next few days.

Also, if you aren't already following The News Grind, you need to be. It's a refreshing satirical news website, keeping a smile on your face through the murky depths of news coverage. It'll also appeal to any fans of Charlie Brooker's Newswipe (surprisingly only deemed to be shown on BBC Four, probably through fear). If you've heard of neither, then I strongly suggest you acquaint yourself.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Science to Media

Over the next few months I'm going to be covering how I'm adapting to a course in Media.

How can someone who was previously a scientist adapt from a subject of logic, and numbers to one of creativity and essays?

I've always been comfortable with presenting and talking in front of large crowds, so easily slipped into my role as a presenter. But the coming months are really going to push my creative skills, so it should be interesting.

I'm hoping that by using both logical and creative skills I can reverse engineer the confusing world of media & be able to take a fresh, clear look at a subject which is proving increasingly complex.

I am a complete novice at this, and there are probably journalists out there who have already deconstructed everything I'm going to be covering (If I stumble across any blogs or books from these people, I'll be sure to mention them). However, I hope to truly explain everything in layman's terms for everyone out there... because I am that layman.

Also, if anyone wants to contribute to any discussions, then feel free.
Like I said, I'm a novice and welcoming to any input.

So that's what's on my mind this evening. I promise to come up with something more entertaining tomorrow.


Quickly need to post this before the day is out.
Had an incredibly hectic day, down the studio first thing this morning. Got back home to find a book I'd ordered had arrived...
Very much looking forward to reading 'What Would Google Do?' by Jeff Jarvis. The first step into my media research... I'll let you know how it goes.

I get a call from my buddies.
We're going to see the new A-Team film.

I've just got back home from said film...

One word. AMAZING!

If you are a guy & want to feel like a 10-year-old kid again. Go see this movie.

There are more explosions than you can shake a stick of dynamite at. What I thought would be incredibly cheesy turned out to be incredibly entertaining. Even such lines as 'I love it when a plan comes together' crop up, you don't find yourself recoiling in your seat with embarresed horror. Instead you have to stop yourself jumping up and shouting 'HELL FREAKIN' YEAH I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER!!!'...
Or something of that persuation.

The acting is fantastic and you immediately love every member of the team. The visual effects are flawless, and even when you know that none of these situations are remotely possible... you don't care. So what if the plane they were in blew up and now they're hurtling towards the ground in a tank shooting at the other planes?...
It's awesome!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Sexy Rats

I am continuing to be a complete noob.
I found the original draft of the previous post... more cursing.
AND Totally forgot to mention TED... the coolest of geeks! Seriously if you have a spare 10 minutes, check that site out there are some amazing innovating stories that I can't even begin to describe.

So anyways... todays little story is brief, but fun.

Sex can boost brain growth.... at least in rats.
Proof that science isn't all about test tubes...
Check out the full story at Live Science

So go get yours.

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Unleash Your Inner Geek

I wrote a whole ranting post on how being a geek is cool. But being a blogspot newbie... I accidentally deleted the whole thing. So after whole lot of cursing, I'm gonna give you the highlights.

Being a geek is cool. Seriously.

And if you disagree, then the next time you take your smartphone outta your pocket, you'd best be putting it in the bin, because no-one like a hypocrite.

Plus, geek humour rules. Check out xkcd for a prime example. They provide some hilarious comics (and the images in this post). Beware though, it can get extremely addictive.


Numero Uno

Ooooh, well this is all rather exciting. Entering a world of new media. Never blogged before, or been one for following blogs. However, to pursure this new passion for radio & media it seems a necessary step... who knows, it may even be fun.

So, I co-hosted a show with 1449AM URB (The University of Bath's student radio station)... 'The Ross & Louise Show' was an international phenomenon (I wish). Seriously though, it was incredible fun & ignited my passion for radio. So I changed career, I'm chasing my passion and loving every second. Recently offered a place starting a second masters at The University of Glamorgan in Multiplatform Radio. The course looks incredible and I can't wait to start. I have a list of things to do/read as long as my arm.

Anyway, this blog will be tracking my progress. I'll be including links and other gubbins for anyone who actually cares enough to follow. Ignore my terrible English.

Oh, before I finish this first post, I recently signed up to Twitter... I have no idea how to use it, or even why it's so massive. But you can't ignore the fact that it's huge, so yeah why not. If anyone has any pointers, then get in touch.

OK, here goes... 3... 2... 1... PUBLISH POST!